Progress Update (April 2023)

4 min readApr 15, 2023


Hello, and welcome back to another Greymass progress update! Since our last update in February, we’ve been focusing primarily on the Wharf SDKs, since these will provide significant resources to all developers on the Antelope blockchains in the future. But in between work on Wharf’s Session Kit, we’ve also snuck in some updates to Anchor Android, EOSIO Core, and the EOSIO Signing Request library. Read on for more info!

Anchor Updates

For Android

The team has released two new versions of Anchor Android since our last progress update, and we’re now on Version 0.51. This most recent version includes:

  • Integration for future translations — Related to our most recent Pomelo grant, we’ve now integrated a translation platform called Weblate into Anchor Android. Weblate will allow us to more quickly and efficiently translate Anchor into multiple foreign languages in the future.
  • Face recognition bug fix — Some users on Android 12 have run into issues with face recognition not working. We’ve now fixed this, and recommend updating to the latest version of Anchor if you’ve had problems with face recognition in the past.
  • QR code scanner bug fix — When you use Anchor to scan a QR code, your phone’s camera should automatically turn on, scan the code, and then turn off. Sounds simple enough, but in the past, sometimes users’ cameras would remain on even after closing the scanner. This is now resolved, and we apologize to anyone who’s run into this error.

Wharf Updates

The Wharf SDKs have been our main area of focus lately, and you can get regular updates on our progress over at But for a brief overview of what we’ve been working on: We’ve recently released plugins both for Anchor and for transaction finality, we’ve introduced localization, and we’ve fixed bugs that were pointed out by the community.

We’ve also been hard at work on the UI, fine-tuning the user experience that developers will be able to use out-of-the-box when building with Wharf. If any developers would like to try out what we have so far, you can refer to this blog post by Aaron Cox that details how to integrate Wharf’s UI with a web application. And if you’d like to see someone using it in action, you can check out this fun video by NFTGamerTV:

We also highly recommend that any developers who are interested check out the Wharf discussion boards on Github, where you can get answers to questions and interact directly with Greymass’ development team.

In Other News…

Greymass on Pomelo

Pomelo Season 5 is now closed, and we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated to Greymass’ grant application! As mentioned in the Anchor Android updates above, we’ve already started work on our goal of creating a translation pipeline for all of our products and websites, in order to reach the wider non-English-speaking Antelope community. We’re also working on integrating Weblate with our iOS and desktop versions of Anchor. We’ll keep you posted on our progress, and if there are any languages you’d like to see first, please let us know.

WAX Upgrade to Antelope 3.1

In our last progress update, we mentioned that we were preparing for the 3.1 upgrade, and that all our servers would be upgraded by March 10th. We hit this target and successfully transitioned all our servers over to 3.1, in order to ensure that we could continue providing services to users on the WAX blockchain without disruptions.


We’ve recently released two new versions of EOSIO Core. In version 0.6.9, a new P2P client was introduced that allows the eosio-core library to directly connect through the P2P protocol in order to send/receive messages directly from the network. Special thanks to @wanderingbort for their major contribution to the library!

We also released 0.6.10 which introduced a new parameter that can be passed to the serializer, “ignoreInvalidUTF8”, which allows the serializer to continue on when non-UTF8 data makes its way into strings on the chain.

Coming soon: a new version will be released to add support for new API endpoints and modifications to the data structures that have been introduced in the Leap 3.x upgrades.

EOSIO Signing Request

Last week version 2.5.3 of the eosio-signing-request library was released with a change that loosens the restrictions on which custom URI protocols can be used with the library. Previously it was required that all links use the esr:// custom URI scheme within the library, which now can be customized to use any URI during the encoding step.

And that’s all for now, folks. Stay safe out there, and we’ll see you in the next progress update.




An organization built to facilitate the growth of distributed ledger technologies and the infrastructure powering them.